Tonnybon and Treats.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

utterly confused on why our refridgerator sounds like a dying dog...


wrote it. xx

whilst eating popcorn

Me: I wish I had a big 'ol spoon.
Ty: I wish I had a vampire boyfriend.
in the middle of my slumber, i woke up to jot this down in my phone "mini devils lie in the finger tips of a mans hand..." not exactly shirt what I was thinking/dreaming of... but i likes. :)

the problem is...

you only know as much as we're willing to show... xx

i've taken a lot of pictures in the past three days.
they need to be put on here.
perhaps, tomorrow after work.
I got you Mo... don't worry boo. xx
did I mention how bella is a dumb broad?

watched the twighlight premiere


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


woke up.
did my crunches.
ate some fat free shit for breakfast.
went up to hcc
enrolled in a summer class...
got six more classes to goooo
nursing school hereiccuuum :(
came home.
played with lil-cat
made a salad.
spoiled my self && added cheese. :)
finna hit these crunches.
play with lil cat...
then off to work i go. :(

good morning lovelies.

day 3 of my work out plan.
oh, yeah && eating right. :)
godiva WILL NOT take over my whole life.
right after my morning crunches...
catch me in a month && a half.
hopefully i will have reached my goal.
xx, bobby.

clearly it's time for him to turn this music off. shut up. && go to bed.

me: you know what i want? for you to be able to count how many people you've had sex with on one hand...
baby: i can can't how many on one hand. [pause] i just gotta use my fingers over && over again.


so baby is in the bed... he swears he was gonna be a sleep by 1:00 but him && bink are clearly on the phone having 'men' conversation... he's giving him all these ignorant tips... oh the men that i choose to love. smh xx
stole it. fuck it. sue me.

Monday, June 28, 2010

"It's funny how this life goes... We love for a while, and then our light goes..." -Wale

"&& the most expensive bricks

still wouldn't make your shit a home..."
-Bobby. xx

Above Gifted Art...

it's going to take more than your weekly allowance to call one of these your own.
raw talent.
some people are just born
super gifted.
Mavric Reigns. xx

Sometimes it gets so bad that I find myself having to slowly inhale && exhale...

perhaps i still have anger problems.
to a degree, i mean...
do you have to be angry
to want to beat the stupidity
out of someone?

titties out && all...

but you've seen chicks in swimsuits before... haven't you? anywho... something is growing off my wall; my apartment needs to come fix this asap. fucking up my booty call rotation. scaring niggas off && shit. nadamean?

who am i to be blind...?

if i had tears left,
this would be the perfect reason
to let them out.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I've been waiting all day...♥

to wrap my hands around your waist && kiss your face...
wouldn't trade this feeling for nothing. xx

I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up. xx

I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.I'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up.
baby, if i was your lady; I would make you happy...♥

Lately i've been drinking like there's a message in the bottle...

-drake. xx

Niggas always got ulterior motives...

Friday, June 25, 2010

"He keeps trying to push me... He wants to know how close I can get to the edge before I fall, the only problem is... for him to know, I'd have to fall... "


new painting...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Addicted to your tongue..

I lived off of your lies.xx

some mornings...

i feel like this...
but today, i feel like shit.
He said:
"It's just that your beauty is impeccable, your style is untouchable && well me, I just seem to be a sucker for you...♥"

I just got a gross text message, i'm not aroused neither am I excited. Boys are dogs -- && that shit wasn't sexy or cute. I need a new number.

or do friends become strangers?

stupid start to my day. stupid car. stupid mechanic. stupid people. stupid job. stupid major. stupid broke. stupid morning...

now i'm sitting
with no purpose
at my mothers job.
just stupid.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

lovers become haters...

but ooo, strangers become lovers♥

fo-fo'teen ay-em mayhem.

brittany just set up my wii... =]
there's a lot bottled up in that 4ft && 11in frame.
i'm thankful for her. truthfully.
ty just came in my room sat on my leg.
said "sorry"
backed up, sat on my leg again
&& said... "sorry"
brittany screams BOBBY D.
ty says: "the trunk went ehh ehh && all of a sudden"
yeahh... so i'm from the virgin islands.
peace. xx

i'm not hardly enough to fill anyone up...

yours truly. xx