keep in mind why we lost touch...
no matter how many times I tried to reach you
I couldn't.
then you changed numbers.
short replies on twitter like you don't give a fuck
&& you were supposed to be kin?
I just want to know how YOU tried...
I guess blood is thicker than water... no matter
how long it's been. But did you hear how hard the water
poured down a couple of days ago? Does anything make you
think... about me?
keep in mind the way you lashed out on me via twitter
although I had no idea what was going on...
keep in mind the negativity you showed towards me
&& the attitude you had when I texted you && asked you
what I did wrong... you didn't want to be a friend and tell me.
yet months later when you text me and apologize && I ask
what I did wrong... you didn't have a damn thing to tell me.
&& like that I said I loved you nonetheless... because i do.
keep in mind how I bent over backwards for you.
Everything I had was yours...
shit even parts of me...
gave you shit, i've never given anyone... but because
I couldn't find the words to show how much I cared
it became a problem.
Keep in mind how everyone told me to leave you alone
yet, you continued to say you were doing right by me...
where the fuck did all your "rightness" go wrong.
I get to a point where I want to say fuck every single
last one of y'all. But STILL I can't. cause I have too
much love for y'all.
maybe that's where I went wrong.
because lovers && kin && bestfriends all become mother fucking strangers.