Tonnybon and Treats.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
No fuck you H O E! :)
Haha. I'm down when you are... But make sure you got a paper bag over your head so you can stay anonymous. ;)
Do you think saying "oh i joke about everything" & "lol" after everything you say make it right for you to say it?
Naw... Not everything I say should be said... But I just don't really give a fuuuuuck. Lol that. :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
he'll be this made of honor at my wedding...♥
&& i better be the best man at his. :)

it goes something like this...
he calls me a stupid bitxh
i drive off while he gets out the car.
love. haha
Monday, February 22, 2010
interesting fb convo...
Bobby: yo
Josh: lol u on crack girl
u need to check urself cause u crazy
Bobby: how?
Josh: dnt ask questions look @ urself in d mirror
u know u crazy
u psycho
Josh: i'm scared of u
Bobby: congratulation
Josh: u might b like d next lady gaga or somethin
"if you negative in energy, then stay out the vicinity..."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I admire you from afar!... Can you help me out just a bit!? This guy I used to date for 7 months now after a perfect valentine's day he gave me broke everything we had off and he wants to be just friends!?.. What do you think I should? I'm hurting :(
my fault. formspring's been tripping... haha me && my "ex" broke up after a PERFECT date! haha... it hurts... it'll always hurt.. have you asked him why? there's nothing you can really do but let time heal that shit... && don't cut him off completely. cold turkey will just make you hurt more... shit go to ineedmorefaith.blogspot.com
you're an inspiration to my life.
i think you just made my life. thats all i want to be... i just want to help people... be an inspiration to some one fck this higher education bull shit...
you weren't even my boyfriend but i loved you all the same.
i refuse to hurt anymore.
so i've already forgiven you, you don't even have to ask for it.
hell, you don't even have to know what you've done wrong...
i still love you all the same.
it feels great to truly forgive someone.
you gain so much peace... i refuse to let anyone
ever take that from me again.
p e a c e...♥
be like vicky && keep this secret...
talk about falling in love with a friendship... i'll cut for her. that is all... it's the little shit that makes my day. ;)