When you think you've lost your mind. This is the place to be; I welcome you.
Tonnybon and Treats.
Friday, August 7, 2009
sweet nothings.
my mom wrote me a thousand$ check for my birthday. i guess some of it is to help me buy the bathroom stuff && sheets for my apartment. but i don't want it. i just want what i asked for. ugh... people don't rmbr the simple things in life? this check is not going to by my birthday happiness unless i can spend it on what the freak i originally wanted. now i might seem like i'm spazzing right now... that's probably because i am. goodday. :( Peace. <3
-- i did some re-thinking. that was selfish of me; i know it's not the tattoo... but i'm really blessed. REALLY REALLY blessed... that was some heat of the moment ish. i'm so thankful that she can even write ME a check like that and it's JUST her. i have an amazing mother && serve an amazing God && i'm SO grateful. even though it should be spelt greatful. :)-august 8th 4:58am.